Prometheus Praha 1930
11th year - orig.issue no.8
cover and typo by Ladislav Sutnar
orig.wrappers 8°
Prometheus Praha 1929
11th year - orig.issue no.3/4
cover and typo by Ladislav Sutnar
orig.wrappers 4°
Svaz ceskoslovenskeho dila
Druzstevni prace DP Praha 1931
1st year - orig.issue no.9
photomontage cover and typo by Lad.Sutnar
photos by Josef Sudek
orig.wrappers 4°
Svaz ceskoslovenskeho dila
Druzstevni prace DP Praha 1931
1st year - orig.issue no.2
photomontage cover and typo by Lad.Sutnar
photos by Josef Sudek
orig.wrappers 4°
Prometheus Praha 1926-27
complete 8th year / no.1-10 /
covers a typo of no.2-9 by Ladislav Sutnar
cover and typo of no.1 by J.baruch
7 orig.issues - 7x orig.wrappers 8°
Prometheus Praha 1928-29
complete 10th year /no.1-10/
covers and typo by Ladislav Sutnar
8 orig.issues - 8 x orig.wrappers 8°
Druzstevni prace DP Praha 1935-36
covers and typo by Ladislav Sutnar
photos by Josef Sudek
complete 3rd year /no.1-10/
10 orig.issues 8°
Revue Internationale Moderne
A.Cernik Edition Devetsil Brno 1926
typo by Karel Teige
issues no. 4 and 5 / 2nd year
á 7 pp., 2 orig.issues 4°
Klub modernich nakladatelu Kmen 1928-29
covers and typo Karel Teige
complete 2nd year /no.1 - 10/
editored by Julius Fucik
224 pp., orig.cloth binding 4°
Prometheus Praha 1927-28
incomplete 9th year
covers and typo by Ladislav Sutnar
7 orig.issues - 7 x orig.wrappers 8°
Revue internationale moderne
Devetsil A.Cernik Brno
1st year 1923-24
typo by Karel Teige
6 orig.issues folio 31,5 x 47,5 cm
Slovakian avant-garde
Slovenská Grafia Bratislava 1931-33
anonymous covers and typo
á 8-10 pp., 8 orig.issues 4°
Avant-garde typo!!
Regional magazine "The Swain"
Vzdelavaci krouzek Breclav 1931-32
6 orig.issues/ numbers 1 - 6
covers and typo anonym
printed by Franta Navratil Breclav
á 12 pp., orig.wrappers 8°
Josef Capek Praha 1918-20
60 numbers
unorig.half-cloth hardcover 4°
Periodical for literature, art and politics
Julius Fucik Praha 1930 - 1931
covers and typo by Karel Teige
complete 5th year - 37 volumes
592 pp., unorig.all-cloth hardcover 4°
Very rare!!
Literarni Stredisko Brno 1931-34
/The Literary Centrum Brno /
covers and typo by Z.Kriebl and F.Kalivoda
18 x original wrappers 8°
J.Fromek Odeon Praha 1928-31
covers and typo by Karel Teige
6 x orig.wrappers 8°
P.Prokop Praha 1928-29
8 orig.issues / vol.1-10/
covers and typo by L.Süss /unlisted/
280 pp., orig.wrappers 8°
Quido Langhans Praha 1930
edited by Zdena Ancik
35 x orig.wrappers 4°
Symposion R.Skerik Praha 1925
covers by K.Teige / unlisted /
11 issues , orig.wrappers 4°
Dr.J.Kohoutek Praha 1936-38
wrappers and typo by Miroslav Kouril
complete 1st-3rd years
11 x orig.wrappers 8°
Vaclav Petr Praha 1923-24
complete III.year /no.1-10/
covers and typo by Josef Zamazal
8 orig.issues 4°
Review of the Silesian art
Dum umeni Ostrava 1930
cover and typo by O.Kittrich
40 and 32 pp., 2 orig.paperbacks 4°
Druzs.Moravskeho kola spis.Brno 1937
anonymous covers / Josef Zamazal?/
incomplete year - 9 numbers
fly sheets, 9 orig.issues 8°
Statni nakladatelstvi Praha 1936-37
typo and covers designed by Ladislav Sutnar
complete V.year - / no.1 - 10 /
7 orig.issues 4°